Health Care Costs

When we want to keep our body to stay in health condition, then we do not to think about how much money that we have to spend for it? This is not the things that we have to worry, because health is our priority in our life. When we are talking about health care costs, we have to be aware. So this is a few tips when we want to reduce health care costs from Yahoo Health, find it for your self. have a nice reading.


JOLA76 said...

kesehatan adalah segala-galanya, nice posting

eliana said...

@ JOLA76 : yeah..thx..

JK said...

Health care is a problem all over the world, If you are rich you get the best treatment, middle class then well you get semi decient care, and if your poor then you receive what ever they give. Healh care is far from fair. I know this because my wife passed away because we were not rich and she only got the attention she was allowed by law. The doctors said we we could do this and that but the insurance company will not cover it, and I was out of money because I spent all i had to keep her alive. So in my opinion health care is only a political topic that they bring up when they want votes , and nothing will be done about it till enough people stand up and force the issue. It is ashame that people die every day not because the medical needs are not there but because the medical needs are not deemed cost affordable by the insurance company. Like my wife, and so many other people die because the treatments are not cost affordable...

eliana said...

@ JK :yeah i also think that, when health care is the most important thing to be aware, then we have to give more extra effort to get it, even the cost is more expensive, because there is our someone special need for our help..
well,, even the cost is affordable,,then we should keep our body to stay in health..

Perawatan AC said...

Nice post
Thanks for visited my blog

tomo said...

Waduh maaf mbak bahas inggrisku jelek.Aku mau komen:I want in the future cost of health in Indonesia not expensive.By the way my mom sick and I lost much money for her.When hospital at Indonesia not expensive cost?When?When?

eliana said...

@ Perawatan AC : yeah u r welcome
@ tomo : iyaa..bener bgt di indonesia sndiri, yg namanya perwatan utk kesehatan bener2 paling mahal,,padahal kita maunya hidup sehat tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya yg sgt mahal..
mengenai kapan nya? yah mgnkin jika aku nanti ajdi presiden nya ya...hehheheeee,,,so it is better klo kita bs mencegah penyakit dr pd mengobati ya... ayyooo mulai untuk hdp sehat y..

vamos angie said...

Hi....nice blog.... thanks for stopping by at my blog... :)

fai_cong said...

kamusku ketinggal nih...

h4ns said...

nice info,, ^_^

Unknown said...

Thank Uvry much 4 this post

nuances pen said...

Jaga kesehatan itu adalah langkah yang terbaik!

medic said...

We should focus more on preventive health care to minimize costs of health care.

Rahad 2 Six said...

nice post.....
kesehatan emang penting banget...

follow balik ya..
kalo mau tukeran link juga boleh...

lina@happy family said...

Health care cost can be so expensive...that's why I prefer prevention first.

darahbiroe said...

kesehatan itu memang sangat berharga dan tidak ternilaii

berkunjung dan ditunggu kunjungan baliknya
terima kasih

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